The Crux
The tendency to perceive meaningful patterns or familiar images, such as faces, in random or unintentional arrangements of shapes, lines, or objects.
The tendency to perceive meaningful patterns or familiar images, such as faces, in random or unintentional arrangements of shapes, lines, or objects.
Invisible archons flourish in our dreams. Do we unknowingly dream them into life? The veil is lifted in slumber’s haze as the shadows take form. Wake up. They’re everywhere around you nibbling away one cell at a time.
The unseen is all around us – even inside us. Neither malevolent or benevolent, they affect and guide us sometimes into the darkness – sometimes into the light. They are responsible for keeping us on our divine paths – By whatever means necessary.
All That Surrounds Us Read More »
We fall asleep and awaken in our dreams. The veil thins and we effortlessly travel without boundaries. Our purest form is eternal. Always was, always is, and always will be.
All creatures live in the garden eternally entwined and woven within the dreams of the universe.
The veil is thinnest during sleep where our logical, ego-driven minds disengage. Here, we are divine pilots traveling effortlessly to new worlds, across galaxies and universes, and through dimensions transcending time and space.
Light Worlds Between Read More »
Within the darkest moments beauty is found. It’s not flower or butterfly beautiful. Instead, it’s dirty and visceral like digging in moist soil.
All This That We Are Read More »
Focus all your thoughts and intentions on abundance while you meditate on “The Motherload Sigil.” Let the flowing lines, colors, images, scenes, and symbols vibrate within your subconscious and thin the Vivinium Veil.
The Vivinium Veil acts as a barrier, not only restricting cognitive and perceptual abilities but also suppressing latent human powers. By encapsulating the pineal gland, the veil inhibits the production of certain chemicals or energies that would otherwise allow humans to perceive and interact with higher dimensions.